Finding a venue/event service
What can I find/book on Venuu?
Venuu has everything you could possibly need for your next event: venues, experiences, caterers, artists, photographers and event producers.
How can I find a venue/event service that's free on my event date?
Venuu's search gives you a bunch of useful search criteria to make finding the perfect venue or event service that much easier. You can, for example, narrow down your venue search based on size, location and the venue’s properties (e.g. own drinks allowed, whiteboard). Some venue profiles also have a reservation calendar, which helps you quickly check if the venue has any preliminary bookings on your preferred event date.
To find out for sure if a venue or event service is available on your event date, send them a direct message via the contact form on their Venuu-profile. The venue or event service will get back to you by email ASAP and you can ask questions, get a price estimate or make a reservation directly with the provider. No middleman or extra hassle needed.
How do I know how much a venue/event service costs?
It’s super easy to get a customised price estimate for a venue or event service: just send them a message through their Venuu-profile and ask for one!
Each event is its’ own unique thing and so is the price estimate the venue or event service gives you. The customized price estimate is a combination of multiple factors: the date of your event, the number of guests and additional services you might need, like drinks, cleaning services or renting dinnerware.
Some venues’ and cateters’ Venuu-profiles feature price packages, which give you a good, initial idea at how much certain types of events or services typically cost, but asking for a price estimate is always the best way to get your numbers right without having to guess.
How can I get more information on a venue/event service?
The easiest and quickest way to contact a venue or event service is the contact form on their Venuu-profile. Messages sent via the form go straight to the venue or event service, and they will email you back as soon as possible, usually within a couple business days.
Sending a message on Venuu never costs or binds you to anything, so you can feel at ease contacting as many interesting venues and event services as you want – you might just end up finding something extra special.
How do I find the kind of venue/event service that I'm looking for?
Venuu makes it easy to search for venues and event services that fit your brief. Select a service category you’re interested in, e.g. venues or caterers, and use the search features to see only the venues and event services that fit your event plans. All Venuu-profiles also contain a lot of additional information to make choosing the One a little bit easier.
If you want more information on an interesting venue or event service, send them a direct message via the contact form on their Venuu-profile. Venues and event services are happy to email you back and brainstorm if they’d be the perfect fit for your event – for free, of course.
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Unique venues
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Venuu is a rapidly growing booking service for event venues.